Tag Archives: postal vote

Still got your postal vote?

If you’ve still got your postal vote envelope at home, you can drop it in at a local polling station before 10pm on Thursday 3 May 2018.

What happens to your postal vote?

Every postal vote envelope that the elections team receive is carefully opened and checked, to make sure that it’s valid, but no-one sees how you’ve voted. Rob explained the process to us…

55,224 people have a postal vote for #LE2018

We’ve issued 55,224 postal votes for the local elections in Kirklees on 3 May 2018 – and the mammoth task of opening all those envelopes is already under way. We heard from Rob about the scale of the task…

There’s still time to return your postal vote

Did you know you can return your postal vote right up until 10pm on Thursday 5th May. Have you returned yours?

Postal vote opening in Kirklees

It’s one week before the elections and the opening of the postal votes is under way at Huddersfield Town Hall. Thank you to Maxine for explaining what happens to your postal vote envelope after you put it in the post box…

There’s still time to return your postal vote…

Did you know there’s still time to return your postal vote, right up until the close of polls at 10pm on election Thursday? Some top tips from the elections team:

Opening the postal votes

Ever wondered what happens to your postal vote envelope after you pop it in the post box? We went along to the opening of the postal votes to find out more…

It’s election week…

postal votes being opened

We’ve started election week 2014 with a visit to the opening of the postal votes. The elections staff have been hard at work for weeks getting everything ready for the Local and European elections on 22nd May. The work doesn’t just start on polling day – it’s a huge operation. For example, the process of opening all the postal vote envelopes takes several days and the work is already well under way.

Are you a postal voter? Remember to return your postal vote so that it can be counted. Postal vote envelopes can also be handed in at any Kirklees polling station on Thursday 22nd May. Votes can be accepted right up until the close of polls at 10pm.